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Showing posts from April, 2023

Swedish weather

 Today I did what is perhaps the most forbidden thing in Sweden, I wore a hat even though it was sunny and about 15C outside.  Yep, that's right. Swedes generally believe that you should dress how you want. If you want, you can wear a t-shirt when it's cold outside, that's OK.  If you want to wear a skirt if you are a man, that's OK. But beware of wearing winter clothes when the Swedes consider its warm. Giggles, laughter are quickly replaced by a questioning, a little aggressive. What should you wear when it gets cold? But my God, it's hot outside! Many people who come here as students etc. have opinions about the weather and that is what it is.  A girl from England commented that it was cold and windy. She was scored at:  it's nothing compared to England, what are you complaining about? So if you travel to Sweden, don't complain about the weather. For your own sake...