Korea (5) Food
Salty, sweet, spicy, hot, well the Korean food has it all. Many tourists coming to Korea tasting the food for the first time say the food is Hot, red and lots of garlic! The red tone in the food is from the red pepper. Red pepper is a very common ingredience in Korean cuisine but it is not originated from Korea. It was the Portuguese who took it to China and Korea during the 1500 and 1600 and it is in Korea to stay! The garlic though is much older and no one really knows why the Koreans eat that much garlic. The Japanese usually call the Koreans “garlic eater”, they use that name in disrespect, but I personally salute the Koreans using that much garlic. A typical Korean meal contains three main ingredience, Rice (pap), soup (guk) and Kimchi. Everything else you see at the table is named Panchan, side dishes, and they are placed in small nice plates all over the table. The more of these panchan you get, the better it is. Kimchi, what’s they? Well it is perhaps the most typical Kor...