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Showing posts from July, 2009


Sometimes you get blindfolded, just like a horse with blinder is. You choose sometimes yourself to be it, perhaps to protect yourself, but in many cases you are blindfolded without knowing it. It does not feel good being blindfolded. It hinders you to be creative and to see things like they really are. One evening my wife and I was talking about John in the bible. She red fromJohn 5, were Jesus heals a lame man who is not capable to get down in to the pool. We both have red this passages over and over again so we know what it says but suddenly my wife said. WOW how ignorant and blindfolded they are. Jesus told the man " take your mat and go", and so he did, but when he was walking, he met some men The day on which this took place was a Sabbath, and so the Jews said to the man who had been healed, "It is the Sabbath; the law forbids you to carry your mat." But he replied, "The man who made me well said to me, 'Pick up your mat and walk.' " So they a