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Showing posts from October, 2011


In Saudi Arabia Islam's laws rules everything. The country, which is one of the world's most oil-rich, also has a football league with several foreign players. Many of these players, likes tattoos. Now the rulers in Saudi Arabia decided that players who have tattoos with Christian subjects must have long sleeves when they play I'm not very found of tattoos myself and if a football league institutes such a law it should be all kinds of tattoos but no , not in Saudi Arabia. There it is only the tattoos with Christian motives! "These tattoos affect Saudi youth negatively.That's why we want all the foreign players with such tattoos covering their arms during matches," it says in a letter sent out. There is a football player from Colombia named Juan Pablo Pino playing in the league and he has Jesus tattooed on his arms. The police stopped and rebuked Pino other day when he was in a mall with his pregnant wife. He wore as a shirt without sleeves. As


Yesterday evening I did the mistake by watching the film "The stoning of Soraya M". Mistake in that way that after I've seen the film I could not sleep. The scene were Soraya get stoned, buried in to the ground was horrible. Unbelievable authentic. The blood, the sound, the fear in her eyes. Perhaps the most horrible scene in a film I've even seen, and whats even more scary is that this film is based on a true story. Back in 1986 a French-Iranian Journalist get stuck in a remote village in Iran. He meets a woman who tells him this story about a women sentence to this cruel penalty for a adultery she did not even commit. Back in history stoning was a punishment that was rather common and still today stoning is a punishment that takes place in Iran. A very famous story from the bible, in John 8, a woman is caught and the mob want to punish her for her adultery. They turns to Jesus and asks: " Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In

Banned for Bible studies

I read an article today in the newspaper about a couple in USA having bible studies in their home. "The American couple has been fined for having arranged Bible studies at his home in San Juan Capistrano, California. The gathering is a violation of the local order of the Charter." When i read the header i instantly thought of Old Russia and the communist state, or how today's Iran is function. I'm thinking of the"tipping" system" that once was in DDR "Formally, it is true that they did not followed city rules that say that anyone who intends to gather more than three people in her home must request permission, a condition that costs money. And every Tuesday and Sunday is Fromm's gathered friends and acquaintances to Bible study, sometimes with as many as 50 participants. No consent, they have not had a thought about acquiring." Strange is that it is OK to have some friends over for a BBQ and watch football...! "We read ab