June 6

Sunday June 6 The national day of Sweden and we had a lovely service in church today together with all the different culture & language groups. Pastor Sam from the Chinese group read from Revelation 5:9-13 and prayed for us. Ahmed one of the leaders from the Iranian group prayed for his group and also for Sweden and Malmö. So did Pastor Israel from the Spanish speaking group and Pastor Daniel from one of the Romany groups in our church. Our Pastor Terry Hoggard from the International Fellowship is in the USA visiting relatives and could not be with us this morning but sent us greetings. Pastor Ron Hunter from USA, who has a special relationship to our congregation, invited us all to a bible seminar next Saturday. The Chinese choir sang and the lyrics were shown in many different languages. Anders Wennerström , one of the leaders in church preached about Thomas and doubt and at the end of the service Pastor Nils-Eric Claeson took care of the communion. A Koreanteam from YWAM who wa...