
Today I read an article in one of the biggest Swedish newspapers about morality. Birgitta Forsman, a science theorist writes "Liberate ethics from religion" "Sometimes religiously based morality is build on false notions of reality and thus results in a quite unnecessary suffering" "The Bible tells many stories that are as exciting and visceral as the Icelandic sagas. And like Hdvamdl contains many words of wisdom, so do the Ecclesiastes and Proverbs in the Bible. But there is nothing to build morale in our global world." "In Catholic Poland, so-called family-friendly politicians have right now a strong support. These politicians would be better called misogynistic, because their agenda is primarily to ban abortion" "marriage between ethics and religion has led and still leads to so much suffering." "Ethics should be based on democracy, equality and free speech not religion" Well, Biritta Forsman, it may be ...