I am the good shepherd

Jesus said in John 10:11 "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep". It is true. In those days the shepherd lived with his sheep. He knew them all. If he lost one, he instantly went to find the lost one. He protected the sheep from thieves and wolves. His rod was a weapon. He stayed with his sheep all night. It could be cold, it was dirty. As the shepherd spends all this time with the sheep, carrying them, sleeping close together, he started to smell like his sheep. The Sheep knew him not only by his voice but by the smell of him. Jesus used this analogy as a leader: He describes himself as not only “the shepherd,” but the “good shepherd.” This is the kind of leadership Jesus used, a leadership that brought the scattered sheep together, a leadership that protected the herd, a leadership that calmed them down, a leadership that protected them. This is the kind of leadership that build the first churches. Is it a leadership t...