Important names!

During a prayer meeting at some friend's house the other day, the "guest speaker", a friend of our friend's from California USA explained the actual meaning of the name of Australia: that is 'Southern Land of the Holy Spirit', translated from the original Spanish name "Tierra Austral del EspĂritu Santo". What he also mentioned is that the Swedish Parliament in Stockholm is situated on a small island and that island is named "Holy Spirit Island", in Swedish "Helgeands holmen". On this small island a charitable institution organized by a pious foundation was located , receiving sick people, poor and elderly as well as foreigners. The original Helgeandshuset ("The House of the Holy Spirit") probably dates back to the 13th century but is not mentioned until 1301. Rebuilt after a fire in 1410, it was moved by King Gustav Vasa in 1531. This I have heard many many times before but was reminded of it during the p...