
When I'm writing this we have just been celebrating Easter. For many people Easter means some days of vacation, good food and time spend with friends and family. Nothing wrong with that. During this Easter I have had four days of, had some lovely food and spend time with nice friends. But! On Maundy Thursday, Jesus is having the last supper with his disciples. Jesus washes the feet of his disciples and commands them to love one another. Later on during the night at the garden in Gethsemane Jesus is betrayed, caught and interrogated. On Good Friday, Pilate makes the decision that Jesus should be put to death by crucifixion. Nails are hammered in to his hands and feet and after six horrible painful hours Jesus dies on the cross. On Easter eve, Saturday the disciples are terrified and are hiding. They really don't know what to believe anymore. Sunday morning, resurrection Sunday when the women are coming to the temporary grave where Jesus is placed, they n...