
Have you ever been angry? Do you have a "hot temper" Have you sometimes been told that it’s not a good idea being angry? Well if this is you I'm pretty sure you are not alone. To be angry does not help you in many situations in life. I know that in anger you many times say things you really did not want to say, and later on you need to apologise. But there is a righteous anger, a so-called "godly anger" that we need to be aware of. If we can’t get angry at the mean and false things happening to us and around us, we have no way to stay against Satan. The Bible clearly is telling us that: "Be angry but sin not" Ephesians 4:26 The first person to be angry in the Old Testament is found in Genesis 4:5, was Cain. Cain rose up against his brother Abel and killed him.” The first person to be angry in the New Testament (Mt 2:17), was Herod. In Bethlehem and its surrounding district he had all the male children killed who were two years ...