
Tell me who your friends are, and I’ll tell you who you are.
This is a common saying, proverb, from where I don't know but I bet you heard it many times before.
I guess it's true sometimes and for someone, but if you for instance would say this about Jesus, how does that make sense!?
Jesus hang out with a lot of " sinners". It was tax collectors, prostitute, etc.
Jesus said when accused by the Pharisees for spending much time and eating with sinners " It is the healthy who need a doctor, not the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners" Mark 2:17
Did Jesus turn out like one of the sinners!? No..
If we spend time with people with bad influence, spending time at not appropriate places, we can get effected in a , for us bad way.
However, it could be the other way around. We could by our way of thinking and living effect them.
People in general don't do what we say, they do what we do.
I heard a story of a pastor who asked his congregation how many people they have in their circle of acquaintances who are not believers, not saved. The answer from the congregation was: Not a single one!!
For me that sounds strange, a bit unhealthy because Jesus commanded us to " Go and make disciples!"
How can we do that if we don't involved "unbelievers among us, and even call them our friends!?
I think it is time for us believers to change our way to do ministry, we have to meet the people where they are.
That means we have to go out in the world, to Pubs, bars, workplaces, schools, concerts, sport events, etc, to meet the need of people there.
I am aware that some churches does so but not all!
People won't swarm in to churches, but they will follow you if you gently but distinctly show them the way to salvation, meeting them where they are..
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