The only way

Recently I saw a BBC TV program from Bangalore INDIA. Very interesting program.
One episode was from a prison that gets the food for the inmates from a near by
Hare Krishna Temple. The food is that great they say, that even people from outside try to get in enable to taste the food. The sad thing is that there are people in India that outside the prison walls suffer harder with starvation and even persecution than inside the walls.
The prison guards were very proud to be a partof this prison and it's food, but I wonder if they ever thought about the people who tried to get in, to be in prisoned at a unbelievable overcrowded prison, just to get proper and enough food?
On one wall at the prison it was written : Jesus is the only way, and one inmate had a t-shirt that says:
"the best is yet to come"!
How true both this statements are. Jesus is the only way and even though it feels dark sometimes
he is there with us all the time....
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