
Second hand shopping is something very popular in Sweden. You find a lot of nice things with a very low cost and you get your so called " own style"
Its great for the recycling as well.
The different second hand shops or charity shops, support different things. Some support the homeless and the needy in our city.
In another shops they sponsor "ship to Gaza"
Ive been in to this particular shop several of times and I always wanted to ask them about their cause.
I did so the other day and they said that it is a act of humanity to the suffering people in Gaza.
That's a nice thing to stand up for, I said.
My second question was:
If you so strongly stand up for the people in need around our globe, when will you sponsor ships to North Korea?
As I told her, in North Korea people really suffer and they would be so happy if you send ships their way.
She looked at me as I was a lunatic.
My point is:
Do people really want to help the people in Gaza, or is it just an action against Israel?
Sorry to say, in Europe we seen it before.
Lets send ships to North Korea also, and to the children in Manila, and to the needy in Iran...
and to ........
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