Happy New Year

Soon the year 2011 is over, a new year will begin. It is always with mixed feelings I say goodbye to a year and greet the new one. It's true that you cant go back in time, you cant change the things you did wrong, the things you should not have done or things you think you should have done. Has the previous year been a success? has it been what you expected? Did it turn out to what you wanted it to be? Success, in what way? Success in your personal life or in your careers? What is success? When I talk to colleague and some close people around me, success is always about money and fame. Money, fame, beauty, cars, houses, sex,... John Maxwell in just one minute tells us what true success is : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=1kd605aqi7U enjoy and remember: You cant change mistakes you done in the past year, but you can change the rhythm to repeat them.. Happy New Year....