Christmas miracle

Among other things, I work for the Swedish post office as a purchaser and just in front of me were I'm sitting the "lost and found has their office.
Rather many things is fallen out of letters and small packet's, and when people find keys and wallets out in the street, they put them on the mailboxes.
Then the "lost and found" take care of this keys and wallets and forward it to the police.
This specific morning my colleague told me that something rare happen. She got a wallet with a driving licence, an ID card etc in it, but what was unusual, it contained rather much money!
She tried to find the man, who was not a Swedish resident and by chance she got to speak to the mans wife! OH how glad she was that we found that wallet!
The man came by later on to pick up the wallet, but by then my colleague had gone for the day. I met him, a Romanian guy and told him the story.
He talked in English and when I told him that his ID card, his driving licence, his other cards and all his money still was in the wallet, he started to cry. He was SO glad.
Not only for the money but that he now don't have to go back to his home county and get all his papers in order.
He told me that he was beaten by a man at a bus stop and then his wallet fell out of his jacket. He spend many hours at the hospital stitches his eye brow!
I hugged him and and said: It is a miracle for you to get back your things this fast. Come back tomorrow and get your wallet and God bless you.
He looked at me and smiled.
Its is amazing, a true Christmas miracle moment.
God Bless you all....
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