January 1 New years day. Today we had a combined service in the main hall at Church. Not so many people showed up today. Perhaps tired after the late evening yesterday! Some new "internationals" showed up though. Love international fellowships and churches!! January 8 Sunday and our international Pastor Terry spoke at our gathering this morning. He wrapped up the Christmas theme and started a new theme for the new year "Get a grip and get going" Nice service and nice fellowship! Great lunch by the sea after Church and got a wonderful present!!! January 9 Monday. Did 3 radio programs with our pastor today. Great music, great message! January 9 Late in the evening I got an email from a brother in need. He is struggling with leukaemia. In his email he is telling me that he is getting SO much better. The white blood cells are almost back to normal. Praise the Lord! January 11 Today I got a call from a British man. He is friend of the man with l...