I was listening to a a sermon by Pastor John Ortberg
Ortberg was saying that:
We all magnify something. An alcoholic magnifies the bottle, a
workaholic magnifies success, a hypochondriac magnifies their health or their illness, catastrophes
magnify worry and problems and obstacles and what might go wrong. Some people magnify money, some
people magnify sex, some people magnify approval, and some people magnify security. We all magnify
Yes that's true, we all magnifies something.
People who says they don't believe in something, they don't magnify something are either lying or they are delusional!
What we believe in, what we magnifies defines us who we are.
What we are aiming for, we are getting.
Revalue your focus, start magnify God..
You wont be disappointed.
Even christians tend to diminuish the Lord and put limits of how big we think he can get. Lets try to do what you suggest, MAGNIFY THE LORD; FOR HE IS WORTHY