
We all need our "own time and space"
Some need a lot, some just little.
I heard from some friends that a "man shed" is something that every man should have. A nice place to withdraw and spend time all alone.
For many women spending time in the bathroom is "own time" , "quality time"
Our son is 18 years old and pretty often he asks us to go out, take a walk by the sea just be out for some time so that he can have "own" time all by him self.
He has his own room and can be there all alone but still, need to be "all alone"
A time alone, solitude is very important. In Jesus life we can see that he did that rather often. Before Jesus chose the 12 disciples, Before he fed the 5000,
In the wilderness in solitude with his father for 40 days.
Solitude, a time with God..
Solitude is not about things you do , its about the things you don't do.
What do you do when you are in solitude?
Don't do things that you know will distance you from God. Try to close down the radio, TV, even computer. No noise, no distractions. Just you and God...
Solitude before making important decisions
Set away some time with God, he wants that time with you and I know that's what you want too.
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