
Impress that's what we very often like to do, impress people.
Very often you can hear people telling stories how smart they are, how much money they have, what kind of car, house boat etc they have.
Where they went for a holiday.
It cost keeping up appearance's!
We try to impress people with what kind of job we have, how much we have to do at our work place or free time.
What we ourselves have been denied, we want to achieve through our children.,
So we keep on running around trying to impress people on how smart our kids are, what they do on their free time, how tall they are, where they attend school etc.
We try so hard to impress people that we in many cases don't like, not even know enough.
Some people are so poor that the only thing they have is money!
Many of us tries to impress God on how much good deeds we do, having a great portfolio. Impress Him by how often we attend church, how much we are involved and how hard we work on missions.
Remember we can fool people, we can fool our self but we cant fool God.
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