Church goer

Often when we meet new people we ask questions about them.
If you are in an international environment and especially an international Christian environment one question could be:
Which church do you attend?
It's great that people attend church, don't get me wrong, I am a leader at an International Christian fellowship and I want you to go to church, but Jesus never told us "Go to church"!
Jesus never told us to attend church once a week, sing the hymns and do your duty with the offering, chat while having coffee and then, off you go.
Jesus and his disciples did life together. They spent almost all their awake time together. They did miracles together, they had dinner together, laughed together.
Jesus says "Wherever two or three of you are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of you." ( Matthew 18.)
I'm not saying you should stop coming to church, that you should stop getting involved in ministry but just being a once-a-week-church goer you won't grow, you won't get to know Jesus.
Jesus is with you whereever you are. Open up to him, you will get a great friend, the greatest one indeed!
Very well said my friend.