care, care not!?

Ive been out in the streets and in the big department stores and I can see people with crosses around their neck and other Christian symbols. I don't know if they have a faith or not but still they carry Christian symbols and they dare. I see people on the streets wearing Muslim symbols, I don't know how religious they are but still they carry it, with no problems.
I see people wearing t-shirt or bags with the American flag, some wearing the Union Jack. I don't know how patriotic they are, but still they carry it, like a normal thing.
I see people carry political symbols, I don't know how interested and how involved they are in to politics, but still they carry it.
What I don't see though some wearing Jewish symbols or flags, why?
They cant, they don't dare.
isn't that scary!?
Whats even more scary is that no one seams to care....
I think culture is hard to change. I'm sure eventually Jewish people will have the same religious freedom as other people. And if it bothers you, I'm sure there is at least one other person that it bothers. It bothers me.
ReplyDeleteThis year is a year of change. I've been keeping up on Indian politics, and they have finally elected a new party leader.
America is struggling with healthcare reform. But at least it's a nice thought.
My biggest note of advancement is in Pennsylvania. We are allowing gay people to marry legally. I thought this would never happen in my lifetime. Pennsylvania still has KKK rally groups; but we are slowly understanding to learn that other people's beliefs need to be accepted openly.