Silent Night!?

I love to listen to Christmas music.
I have my favourites and I bet you have that as well.
When we listen to the lyrics at one of the Christmas songs we can hear this:
Silent night, Holy night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon virgin, mother and child
Holy infant, tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace.
First, Mary was in labour, there were blod and amniotic fluid everywere.
Mary was pretty young, perhaps as young as 12-13 years old. No experience.
Mary and Josef was not in a sterile hospital with a number of nurses around.
King Herod was ruling the country at this time and he let his brutal soldiers killed every little boy child up to two years old they could find.
The soldiers big needle-sharp swords chop the little baby's to pieces.
It was a horrible time and it was in the midst of this God became flesh.
It was not Silent, it was not in peace
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