
Very often through history we have seen groups "kidnapping" signs, logos and ideas and in a way make them their own.
A good example of this is the Swastika, that the Nazis took and used as their own. The Swastika is a very old religious sign that we still today can see at many Buddhist temples all over Asia, both clockwise and anticlockwise crosses.
Another symbol is the upside down christian cross, used by the Satanists as a symbol of their hatred for God, a God they don't believe in ( strange in a way). The origin of this symbol was a Christian symbol and represented the Apostle Peter. The tradition has it that Peter was crucified upside down since he didn't feel worthy of being crucified the same way as Jesus had been.
Another symbol that we see so much these days is the rainbow, nowadays used by the Homosexual community. The sign of the rainbow (rainbows are a natural phenomenon) was a sign God gave to mankind that He would never again destroy all flesh by the waters of a flood.
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