
Today my friend Kirk spoke at our service at church on Joseph.
He had many questions for us and the first two were:
•Q#1: What is the worst thing that you have ever done to someone else?
•Q#2: What is the worst thing that someone else has ever done to you?
We were not supposed to anserw them during the service, but to write them down, take them home, pray about it, and then take the anserw to the cross and nail them there.
First I was very certain about my answer. It was lying on both the questions.
But at home I felt something else.
It was the same answer on both the questions this time as well but the answer was: not giving people that are close to me time and attention.
Just think for yourself for a minute. Do you remember what you got on your 11th birthday? 15th birthday, at Christmas?
Perhaps you remember if it was something very spectacular, but in general you do remember when your mother or fahter spend time with you, when they took you somewhere, when they huged you and said they loved you.
When your spouse went with you, took you somewhere, spend time with you.
We see this everywhere, I see it everywhere. At our workplaces, homes, churches, People getting neglected. It has happen to me, it still happens to me, and it hurts. You think that you can handle it, you think that by age you get over it but no.. Same feelings , hurt.
We need to spend more time with our loved ones, our friends and yes ofcause God.
God is great, God does not really need us, but he loves us, he want the best for us, he want to spend time with us. So lets all spend more time with Him as well.
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