December 29 I attended an Iranian Christmas party in church. It all started with a usual service, well usual in that way that there were worship music, speech and so on, but unusual to me for it was in a language, Farsi that I don't understand. There was no one to translate, but when I saw the short films that they were showing on the wall, the beautiful guitar playing, when I heard them shouting "HALLELUJAH" and saw tears rolling down their cheeks, then translation was not needed. Later on in the café, we had a wonderful meal, typical Iranian food they told me, very delicious. Interesting to listen to the stories how they were saved and why they came to Sweden. Many Iranians showed up for this party and what was even more interesting, was that some were believing Muslims who chose to come to this event even though on the same day it was an important Muslim feast. I had a nice time of fellowship connecting with good friends