
This week, Monday November 9 it was exactly 20 years ago since the Berlin Wall was teared down. A wall that separated people, ideologies and divided a country. I never saw the wall in real, but Ive seen it in pictures many times and that day 20 years ago I will never forget. That wall seemed so unbreakable, not because it was made of concrete and iron, no because all it stand for.
Walls are raised for many different reasons, some are needed some not. Some are raised for the purpose to protect , others to destroy.
There are walls that are physical and there are walls that are mental. Some walls even spiritual.
Mental or spiritual walls could be walls in your daily life, at your workplace, in your home, at your church etc. These walls are perhaps the most difficult ones to break down, but when they are down it sure feels great. Do you have such walls in you or around you? Have you ever tried to break them down? if not why? what hinders you? if you have how did it feel like?
One thing is certain, we have to work together to break some of them down.....
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