I bet you all have different insurances for many different things. Some are needed, some perhaps not. Some you must have, by law, some we are glad we had when the accident was there.
We spend a lot of money on insurances and gladly we never have to use them, but do we really need all?
I was glad I had a special insurance some month ago when my son Linus new glasses was broken. Brand new and destroyed. We got a new pair for just 95 Swedish krone’s.(around 9 euros) That’s awesome. When we got the new pair I looked at the very small text( it usually is ) and red when the insurance is not valid. it says:
when your eye site is getting worse
Ordinary wear
and so on , and this I can understand but then I read further
is not valid if you glasses are damage in:
New clear war or new clear accidents
Civil war
Revolt, etc
Well if his glasses are damage during this different states the first thing is not new glasses that’s on my mind. (who came up with the idea to this terms!?)
One that will take care of you during ALL kinds of situations though is God! He will never leave you nor forsake you, He is with you all the time. He will carry you, look after you and he know about your needs even before you even had them!
That’s what I call a Insurance!
Why not sign that Insurance, Its valid for the rest of your life and beyond that!
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