
I read in the newspaper the other day an article about the actor Jim Caviezel.
A great actor who has been in fantastic films such as The Thin Red Line, Pay It Forward, The Count of Monte Cristo, Passion of the Christ etc.
"The Passion of the Christ" which was produced by Mel Gibson was a big success in the year 2004, but sad to say
Jim Caviezel has had tough times getting other roles after that film.
Simply because he took the Jesus part in that film and by answering yes to the question: are you a believer,
Jim was outcast by "Hollywood".
People in the business don't want to deal with him.
Jim reflected to it by saying: We all have a cross to bear.
Jesus is just as controversial today as he was 2000 years ago!
Nothing has changed.
You have to give up your name, your reputation, your life to reveal the truth..
Pretty tough but that's the way it is.
It's not about us, it's all about Him!!
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