
Today I lead a bible study on the theme " Summer....Seriously!!! "Getting in the groove...." ( Got it from Pastor Terry Hoggard)
reading from The Gospel of John.
What is your favourite summer event that helps you "get in the groove"?
Many answers: Travelling, seeing friends and family, sport activities, listen to God, reading the bible
What is the one thing you want to do this summer in order to 'get in the groove'?
Sleeping, relaxing, stress less, seeking God's will etc.
The purpose of the 25 'Verily, verily' statements is to clarify/confirm His will & to challenge & change our hearts.
Which of these do you desire most?
Here we had a great variety of favourites but the top 3 will be : John 3:3, John 5:19, John 16:23
Great study, nice fellowship...
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