
A couple of years ago the Church of Sweden, was separated from the state.
The Church of Sweden is the largest Christian church in Sweden, a Lutheran church
The Church adopted, at the time that it was still a state church, an administrative structure largely modelled after the state. Direct elections are held to the Church Assembly.
The electoral system is the same as used in the Swedish parliament. To vote in the Church general elections, you must be a member of the Church of Sweden, at minimum 16 years of age, and nationally registered as living in Sweden.
The groups that take part in the elections are called nominating groups. Also political parties take part in the elections.
The church of Sweden suffers. Many people are leaving the church and together with that many immigrants who have other beliefs system , the number of members decreases.
Media and the church itself talk about a country that becomes more and more secularised. The media never talks about other churches growing in Sweden. It is true that many of those who leave the church are not believers, but the matter of fact is that many of those who have faith also leave the church of Sweden because of the political influences. Politicians in Sweden in many ways declare what is appropriate in the church.
Often when attending the church of Sweden you feel the real biblical values are left behind, on the other hand, I know it is tricky to talk about biblical interpretation.
Last week the church of Sweden had a very big meeting where they talked about trying to boycott Israeli merchandises. I wonder, is that political influences or?
In many official documents not related to the church of Sweden it says: your member status in the church! Why, when the state and church are separated?
I honestly think that the church of Sweden, if they want to survive as a vibrant and real church, they have to go back to the roots. Politicians and humanists are not the ones who should be in charge.
Stand firm in your faith as priests and deacons.
You can fool people around you, you can even fool yourself, but God, you can't fool him.
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