Without Jesus!?

In Helsingborg, a town in the south part of Sweden, Jesus was about to get banned!
A local politician wanted to ban Christian celebration during the annual Christmas fare.
At this place, an old outdoor theatre and museum that hold nice fares, is every year having a "live" crib.
The man who wanted to ban Jesus, said that the fare should be without politics and religious influences.
The church of Sweden and many other Christian organisations confronted this man and after one week of total silence, the man now regrets his policy and the fare can keep its crib.
Great news, but I wonder: Why on earth did he put so much effort in something like this when Christmas is all about Jesus? That's why we in the first place celebrate it. Second: There are other things to put all your strength in. In Sweden we have 16.000 homeless people that despite a law that says that every person in Sweden should have a home.
Put your effort in dealing with that kind problem instead...
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