Attitude 1

Sometimes I watch the TV program "Dragons' Den" on BBC channel. Dragons' Den is a TV program featuring entrepreneurs pitching their business ideas in order to secure investment finance from a panel of different capitalists, named Dragons. Often these entrepreneurs, facing the Dragons, are so nervous and apprehensive that they do not succeed in presenting their business in a promising light and fail to win the Dragons to their side. To be honest, some of their business ideas seem not to be worth investment. Still that is not what strikes me the most. What strikes me the most is the way these "Dragons" act. Harsh words and contemptuous facial expressions are often their reactions and it seems to me that they are not interested in trying to help these people at all. Fine, if they don't want to invest and risk their money, but at least an encouraging word and a good piece of advice to help the entrepreneurs to put on track is what they could give. ...